What To Eat With Worms

What To Eat With Worms
What To Eat With Worms

Worms are parasites that are most common in children. They are very easily transmitted and if not treated in time, can cause enormous damage to health, as well as severe consequences. The worms multiply and grow in the intestines. One of the main symptoms is itching around the anus. If your child is ill, this can interfere with his sleep and cause nervousness.

The worms enter the body when eating with unwashed hands, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, drinking contaminated water and contact with non-dewormed dogs or cats. Flies are also carriers of the infection as they spread it with their eggs.

One of the main symptoms of worms are a large appetite, pain around the navel and anus, itchy nose and more. The infected person has a painful appearance.

To protect yourself from this extremely unpleasant and persistent infection, you must maintain good cleanliness and hygiene of the hands and the food you will consume. Children who have a habit of sucking their fingers should get used to it. Hands should be washed frequently with soap, especially before meals and after visiting the bathroom.

If you keep a pet at home, you must deworm it. Veterinary pharmacies have internal cleansing medications that are applied every few months. This will make sure that your pet is not a carrier of the dangerous infection. Destroying flies and preserving food from them is another prerequisite for prevention.

Worms in children
Worms in children

Eat plenty of fresh fruits, nuts, salads and raw carrots.

In the presence of infection, it is recommended to take the so-called. anti-worm jam - 100 grams of seeds of santonin wormwood (also called wormwood), which is crushed in a mortar until it becomes like flour. Sift through a sieve. Finally, mix with pure honey in proportion - worm 2% and honey 98%. Take three times a day - morning, noon and evening, half a teaspoon with a little food. It is good to give cleansing - castor oil two hours later, but not on an empty stomach.

Garlic is a great helper in the fight against worms. It is good to take 4-10 drops of freshly squeezed garlic juice 2-3 times a day, which is drunk with milk.

In case of illness, a strict diet must be followed. Raw carrots, raw garlic, raw sauerkraut, blueberries, boiled rye or milk with garlic, but without bread - are just a few of the products that should be included in your menu.

Despite the helpful tips in this article, do not take self-medication. If you suspect an infection, contact your doctor immediately.
