A Woman From Plovdiv Found Worms In A Package Of Biscuits

A Woman From Plovdiv Found Worms In A Package Of Biscuits
A Woman From Plovdiv Found Worms In A Package Of Biscuits

A terrified woman from Plovdiv revealed to Nova TV that she found live worms and a cobweb in a package of biscuits bought by a famous retail chain in the city under the hills.

The biscuits are Polish and Veneta Todorova from Plovdiv bought them for breakfast for her 10-month-old girl. But as soon as she opened the first package, she immediately saw the worms and cobwebs on the biscuits.

A package of biscuits cost the woman from Plovdiv BGN 1.45.

The terrified woman did not dare open the second package. The biscuits are made in Poland, and their label says that they expire in the middle of next year.

The woman's first reaction was to notify the dealer of the biscuit find, and she was told to file a complaint with the store.

The Food Safety Agency has committed to formally investigate the case. The director of the local branch, Dr. Teodora Savova, personally opened the second package of biscuits, bought by Veneta, but nothing was found in it.

Peanut Biscuits
Peanut Biscuits

The initial assumptions of the expert are that the worms in the biscuits appeared due to their improper storage, for which the staff in the store will be to blame.

When the culprit is identified, appropriate sanctions will be imposed. Until then, Dr. Savova said there could be no talk of specific punishments.

The whole quantity of biscuits was banned and samples were taken from them. The results of the research will be clear on Monday. The result of the control institutions will be published within 5 days.

The manager of the chain where the biscuits were bought assured that he would withdraw the batch if worms were found in other packages as well.

The woman from Plovdiv told Nova TV that more and more Bulgarians need to gather courage and report the irregularities in the food they buy.

Each of us can post a signal for violations in food products on the official website of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency or by phone 0700 122 99.
