Experts: Limit Beer In The Summer

Experts: Limit Beer In The Summer
Experts: Limit Beer In The Summer

Although this summer was dominated by rainfall and lower temperatures, Bulgarians usually associate this season with the consumption of lots of beer, sprats and carbonated soft drinks. However, certain foods and drinks should not be overdone in the heat. See also some of them, mentioned before BGNES by Dr. Raya Ivanova from Alexandrovska Hospital.

In summer, avoid chilling with beer, as it is not always the best solution. Increased alcohol consumption does not mean that we drink enough fluids, said the expert.

It is best to drink more water during the hot months and keep fizzy drinks in the background. Try replacing them with freshly squeezed juices, tarator or kefir. In any case, do not forget to drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

Heavy meals during the summer holidays are among the priorities of many, but this is a big mistake. Experts have long warned in the summer to focus more on snacks. If we want to feel good and especially not to be heavy and sluggish all the time, it is advisable to focus on fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

It hurts beer
It hurts beer

Fatty foods, fried foods and meat are not suitable choices, Dr. Ivanova is adamant.

Another factor responsible for our comfort in the summer are the right clothes for the season. Always choose your clothes carefully and try to wear light and loose clothing. Cotton clothes are the most suitable for summer. Also pay attention to their colors. Light tones repel the sun, but dark colors attract it.

The drastic changes in the weather, which we unfortunately see this season, also affect our health. The most vulnerable are the elderly, pregnant women and children. Dr. Ivanova recommends that we maintain constant contact with our elderly relatives.

Recently, many elderly patients have arrived at the hospital who have not been monitored for fluid intake in the previous hot days. In some cases, it even leads to hospitalization in the intensive care unit due to problems with kidney function and blood pressure, says the specialist.
