Fermented Foods Are A Must If You Want To Be Healthy

Fermented Foods Are A Must If You Want To Be Healthy
Fermented Foods Are A Must If You Want To Be Healthy

Fermentation processes have been known since ancient times. Our grandmothers are fully aware of the benefits of home-made pickles obtained by natural fermentation, homemade yogurt and dairy products. Apart from being delicious, they are also very useful for the body because they contain live microorganisms that serve as a natural probiotic. They improve health and have a very beneficial effect on our tone and self-esteem.

Fermented foods are obtained from raw foods, which as a result of the process itself, called fermentation, change in nutritional value, taste and texture. In this way, wine, cheese, soy sauce, bread, sauerkraut and many others are obtained.

The microorganisms that are naturally present in these foods thrive and cause a change in the free sugars and amino acids that are their nutrient medium.

Fermentation is extremely important in our lives. It is essentially a purposeful promotion of the development of beneficial microorganisms, which through the absorption of certain nutrients produce others with their so-called. metabolic products.

For example, some amino acids and sugars, such as milk sugar - lactose, are used rapidly by selected microorganisms for growth, and on the other hand, new amino acids are synthesized, which are synthesized in fermented foods and bring additional health benefits.


Photo: Albena Assenova

In yogurts, vitamin P or folic acid, which is extremely important for women, and not only, is synthesized by starter microorganisms, so these products have additional nutritional value.

It would be very good if we learn to make our own yogurt at home. Natural proteins from raw materials can be partially exposed to the action of microbial enzymes, which increases their digestibility and digestibility in the human body.

Sour cabbage
Sour cabbage

Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

There are three types of yogurts depending on the type of microorganism they are made with:

1. With Lactobacillus bulgaricus - yogurts rich in lactic acid are obtained. Bulgarian yogurt is like that;

2. With Streptococcus thermophiles - yogurts with a pronounced softer taste are obtained;

3. With Saccharpmyces kefir - a dairy product is obtained, called kefir, more typical for Russia;


4. With bacteria of the genus Bifidus - you get what is real yogurt.

The best yogurt for us and our latitude is that produced from Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles in the appropriate proportions. When these microorganisms are used for yogurt leavening, then some amino acids such as arginine, leucine, isoleucine and tyrosine are more easily released during digestion.

Fermentation between these two species can improve the nutritional value of milk by synthesizing an enzyme called beta-galactosidase, which is responsible for breaking down milk sugar. And this is a very important process for the proper absorption of milk.

Enzymatic reactions in fermented foods play an important role in the formation of desired taste and quality characteristics of food products in our daily lives.
