Fats Are Good For Health

Fats Are Good For Health
Fats Are Good For Health

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According to most people, fat is the main enemy of the heart, so we should not consume them. Therefore, they are deprived of many culinary temptations to protect themselves from disease.

Is this the case in practice? According to Italian nutritionists, not all fats are equally harmful. At least for the heart. And others, on the contrary, are very useful. What are fats and what do they contain?

Harmful fats

Trans fats, also called hydrogenated fats. They are obtained by processing vegetable fats, used in the production of margarine and other culinary fats.

They fall into chips, burgers and most of the finished biscuits and pastries. They are dangerous because they raise the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This increases the risk of blockage of blood vessels and heart attack.

Fats are good for health
Fats are good for health

In addition, trans fats degrade semen quality and contribute to the development of diabetes. Trans fats are followed by saturated fats. They are not so dangerous, but they are very common.

They are found in almost all fatty dairy products and in meat and increase the risk of developing cholesterol plaques.

Useful fats

These are the unsaturated fats found in olive oil, walnuts, avocados and fish. Reduce bad and raise good cholesterol.

Replacing the high-carb menu with one based on unsaturated fats improves the condition of the cardiovascular system in just 6 weeks.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also useful fats. Contained in fish and nuts. Reduce the risk of blood clots and cholesterol plaques, reduce blood pressure. Reduce the risk of heart attack by 50 percent and improve memory.
