Which Fats Are Good And For What

Which Fats Are Good And For What
Which Fats Are Good And For What

The body needs fat to be supplied with energy. Prolonged deprivation of them leads to a feeling of hunger. This in turn makes us eat more pasta and high carb foods. In this way we eat imperceptibly and fill up more imperceptibly.

This happens whenever the protein-fat-carbohydrate balance is disturbed. The body wants a little of everything to have balance. In the food chain, the calories we eat from fat should be 15 to 30 percent. These calories are best added through the so-called good fats, as the body cannot get them on its own.

Some of the foods with useful fats are fish and fish products, cold-pressed olive oil, sesame, pumpkin, walnut oil, and any other seed and nut oil. They are extracted by cold pressing and are rich in useful polyunsaturated fats such as omega-6, omega-3 and omega-9. These oils are rich in phosphacids - such as recin, which regulates blood cholesterol.

On the Bulgarian market there is a relatively large selection of organic oils of flax, hemp, hazelnut, walnut, sesame and others. They are sold in large retail chains, as well as in all diet stores.


The wide range of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids is vital for the membranes of our cells. You can season your salads or cook with an oil cocktail.

It is right for the food to boil on steam and water, and finally, when it is ready, to add a little fat, says the specialist in integrative medicine Dr. Maria Papazova. She advises to revise the refrigerator and throw away the "bad" fats - margarine, palm oil and the combined mixtures for the fryer.

This will at least slightly reduce the damage of these fats, because, unfortunately, they are used to prepare many products that we eat every day, such as cakes, pastries, biscuits and more. They increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and osteoarthritis.

Not every hydrogenated fat is absorbed by the body because it cannot identify it as a food product, as a result of which it accumulates in the body, which is a prerequisite for many terrible diseases.
