Diet For Hyperinsulinemia

Diet For Hyperinsulinemia
Diet For Hyperinsulinemia

The diet for hyperinsulinemia - that is, with increased insulin in the blood, must take into account the fact that this disorder is very serious.

Therefore, the diet should be strictly followed and do not deviate from it if you suffer from high insulin. Elevated blood insulin is usually accompanied by high cholesterol and hypertension.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables

Treatment of elevated insulin includes not only diet, but also drug therapy, which must be prescribed by a specialist.

Proper nutrition is very important in increased insulinbecause it helps to reduce insulin levels and reduce extra pounds.


It is mandatory to monitor the carbohydrates in the diet - these are flour, pasta, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice. They must be distributed correctly so as not to allow a dangerous increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood.

It is good to avoid sugar, as well as confectionery, they should be replaced with sweeteners and sugar-free jellies.

Foods with high insulin
Foods with high insulin

Portion control is very important. Portions should be smaller than usual, at the expense of meals, which can be more than three.

When increased insulin salt consumption should be reduced, and sodium-rich products should be avoided - these are salami, canned food, salted nuts.

Alcohol is absolutely forbidden in case of high insulin, it can be drunk non-alcoholic, but without sugar, as well as water - at least two liters a day.

When increased insulin can be consumed milk and dairy products that are skim, whole grains, brown rice, lean meat, eggs - 3 times a week.

It is recommended to eat raw and cooked vegetables, mainly leafy - cabbage, spinach, but also broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, arugula, lettuce.

It is recommended to eat apples, pears, tangerines, grapefruit, orange, strawberries and raspberries, cherries, watermelon, melon, papaya, mango, kiwi.

In addition to diet, physical activity is also important in hyperinsulinemia. Daily walks of half an hour are recommended.
