Vegetable Secrets That Every Housewife Should Know

Vegetable Secrets That Every Housewife Should Know
Vegetable Secrets That Every Housewife Should Know

Put the vegetables in boiling water and cook covered.

If you want to keep the content of vitamin C in vegetables, remove them quickly when they are cooked, because left in the water, they lose about 2/3 of the vitamin content in 1 hour.

Put a little vinegar in the water when cooking unpeeled potatoes so they won't crack.

Carrots and tomatoes will retain their color better if you stew them covered.

Cauliflower will retain its white color if you add fresh milk to the water in which you boil it (per 1 liter of water - 1 cup of milk). The dish should not be covered.

Beet salad
Beet salad

Whether cauliflower is fresh is understood by running your hand lightly over its surface. If there are small white crumbs left on your palm, it means that the cauliflower is old.

Cabbage and carrot salad will be tastier if you sprinkle it with coarsely crushed roasted peanuts.

Beet salad will be tastier if you prepare it with roasted instead of boiled beets.

Garlic will not dry out if you peel it and arrange it in small jars (such as baby food) and cover it with oil, which absorbs the smell of garlic. You can pour it over the salad.

If you have boiled peeled beets, do not throw away the water. In it you can cook rice, which will take on a beautiful red color. You can add it to mashed potatoes instead of milk. It will also turn bright red. The effect is enhanced if you put colored and uncolored puree next to each other and decorate with sprigs of fresh parsley.
