Rip Esselstein's Diet

Rip Esselstein's Diet
Rip Esselstein's Diet

The author of the Engine 2 diet, Rip Esselstin, claims that eating low-fat foods, mainly plant-based, can prevent a number of diseases.

According to the former athlete and firefighter, this diet protects a person from cardiovascular and malignant diseases, diabetes, as well as Alzheimer's disease.

The Engine 2 diet is based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. They are rich in nutrients, low in calories and high in fiber and regulate metabolism while providing a lot of energy.

The diet, in addition to supporting the loss of extra pounds, also increases the accumulation of muscle mass, sharpens the mind and gives a lot of energy to the body.

Rip Esselstein emphasizes how the presence of meat products in the menu causes the accumulation of fatty plaques in the blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of diseases of the cardiovascular system. On the other hand, eating plant foods gives the body the necessary carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals to maintain its health.

Fruit diet
Fruit diet

According to the author of the Engine 2 diet, the process of changing the diet should last 4 weeks, during which one gradually adjusts to the new menu.

In the first week it is necessary to throw away all processed and dairy products, in the second - to stop the consumption of animal foods, including fish and eggs. In the third week, he recommends reducing oil consumption, and the fourth week shows whether the person's desire is enough to cope with the changes.

It is recommended to monitor blood cholesterol levels during the diet, as well as to measure weight periodically.

The good thing about Engine 2 is that there is no limit to the calories consumed for the day. One can eat as much as one wants, but only with plant-based foods.

If you decide on this diet, you will have to eliminate from your menu animal products, all their derivatives, as well as vegetable oil.
