Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet
Mayo Clinic Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet aims to lose weight by focusing on a few key points. The first stage is the replacement of some habits with others, be they about food or lifestyle.

This diet does not pay attention to exactly how many calories are consumed and meals are allowed at any time, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables.

This period lasts two weeks, after which during the second phase care is taken to maintain the lost weight. It is important how many calories the food that is consumed and, accordingly, which foods should become part of the daily menu in order to achieve lasting and guaranteed weight loss.

According to studies for the Mayo Clinic diet, during these two weeks can be lost an average of 5 pounds. The foods that can be eaten during this period are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They supply energy but are low in calories.

Weight loss
Weight loss

The Mayo Clinic plan allows you to eat enough food in unlimited quantities in the form of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean meat proteins and healthy fats.

Poultry, fish, low-fat dairy products are recommended. Also the consumption of unsaturated fats coming from nuts and olives.

The third phase is when the mission to fight overweight is accomplished and it is possible to follow a healthy diet every day.

In addition to changes in diet, the diet also requires physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day to get a perfect figure. Meals in front of the TV should be avoided, meals should be skipped outside, because they are often very unhealthy.

And of course, last but not least is a person's motivation. Learn to be patient and not expect very fast results, because without effort you will not lose weight.
