The Yogic Diet

The Yogic Diet
The Yogic Diet

Stress is something that invariably accompanies our lives. To deal with it, we find thousands of tips on what is useful and what is not, we try diet after diet, but do not achieve the desired result.

The solution to the problem comes when we realize that the outside world cannot provide us with the much-desired peace and satisfaction, and we turn to where we have never sought them before - to ourselves.

This is best done through the practice of yoga. The reason for such a start may be a physical illness or emotional problem. In essence, however, the root is the same - the desire to make our lives better. Yoga gives advice for every problem.

If you want to lose weight, you can apply the proposed yoga diet. It guarantees 3-4 kg per week. One of the basic principles of teaching is that in order for our body to be healthy and vital, one of the most important factors is the food we eat.


The clogging of the body with toxins, the consumption of foods that make it difficult to digest, as well as the excessive use of alcohol hinder the digestive but also the spiritual work on oneself and any attempts to improve.

Even if you are not so keen on the idea, you should keep in mind that for yoga practitioners it is extremely important to take appropriate food in a certain way, because food is a source of energy and depending on its content it can make you sick or heal..

The yogic diet is based on carbohydrates. It guarantees the loss of 3-4 kg per week.

Day one


Breakfast, lunch and dinner - one yogurt. If necessary, add a handful of raw nuts.

Day two

Breakfast - Oatmeal with milk and honey;

Lunch - Rice or potato soup, 2 boiled potatoes, yellow cheese or cheese;

Dinner: 1 yogurt.

Day three

Breakfast - 3 apples and a glass of milk;

10 am - salad;

Lunch - 2 apples and salad;

Dinner - 1 slice of rye bread, cheese or yellow cheese, 1 tsp. fresh milk or tea.

Day four


Breakfast - 3 apples or 1 liter of natural juice;

Lunch - salad with lemon and olive oil, boiled wheat with honey and crushed nuts;

Dinner - fruit, boiled wheat and milk.

Day five

Breakfast - milk with rice;

Lunch - dishes with rice in the oven without meat, stewed vegetables;

Dinner - milk with rice without honey and sugar.

Day six

Breakfast - boiled wheat with honey, 1 cup of milk or tea, cheese;

Lunch - yellow cheese, cheese, salad, 1 p. rye bread with butter;

Dinner - yogurt, 1 potato, 1 tbsp. toasted slice with butter.

Day seven

Breakfast - toasted slice with cheese;

Lunch - fish or chicken;

Dinner - salad, fish or chicken.
