Baking Soda Can Save You From A Kitchen Fire! And 10 More Of Its Secret Benefits

Baking Soda Can Save You From A Kitchen Fire! And 10 More Of Its Secret Benefits
Baking Soda Can Save You From A Kitchen Fire! And 10 More Of Its Secret Benefits

1. Soda destroys all odors, for example in the freezer, refrigerator, shoe cabinet, car and cat basket. To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, you just need to sprinkle soda on these places or put a packet of soda - it will absorb odors.

2. Baking soda is used as an antacid, ie. - perfectly reduces the acidity of the stomach. If heartburn occurs, stir 1 tsp. soda in a glass of water, but do not overdo this procedure to avoid the opposite effect.

3. Baking soda can be an ideal substitute for expensive bath salts. Such a bath will have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. If you are tired, just pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into the water and add some of your favorite essential oil. The beneficial effect will not leave you waiting long. After such a bath you will feel the softness and smoothness of your skin and pleasant relaxation.

Bicarbonate of soda
Bicarbonate of soda

4. With the help of soda you can clean almost all stainless steel surfaces, sinks, bathtubs, clay and chrome dishes. It is very effective and absolutely environmentally friendly. Washing dishes with baking soda easily cleans and burns fat. It even whitens teeth, ie. removes deep-rooted plaque from tea, coffee and food coloring.

5. With baking soda you can perfectly clean the sewer. To do this, pour 1 cup of baking soda into the sink, then add a glass of strong wine vinegar and leave on for 5 minutes, rinse with water.

6. You can also use soda for your pet's care. If you do not have time to bathe, spray it with a solution of soda and water on the coat and rub it. His fur after such a procedure will stop smelling, will look smooth and clean.

Baking soda
Baking soda

7. At full load of the washing machine you can add 2-3 tbsp. soda, it softens the laundry and improves the effect of the detergent, preserves the color and whiteness in the laundry.

8. If necessary, you can safely replace the hair shampoo with baking soda. Just mix the soda with water until you get a pasty consistency, apply to the hair and rinse thoroughly. Your hair will become shiny, clean and soft. Soda perfectly removes the remnants of nail polish and other hair fixatives.

9. Soda is an excellent carpet cleaner. Just spray a soda solution on the carpet and wait about 30 minutes, then pat dry. This will not only clean your carpets but will also remove unpleasant odors.

Baking soda
Baking soda

10. Soda instantly extinguishes a fire. So, it is good to have a packet of soda near the stove. If there is something to ignite when frying, just pour soda into the area of the fire.

11. Baking soda relieves skin irritation and itching from insect bites. Therefore, it is necessary to make a slurry of soda and water and apply it on irritated areas of the skin. This remedy is effective even in wasp and bee bites.

To the attention of pregnant women! Use only baking soda in the household. It has zero toxicity and will not harm the fetus.
