Folk Medicine For Lowering The Temperature

Folk Medicine For Lowering The Temperature
Folk Medicine For Lowering The Temperature

Rising body temperature is often accompanied by colds, bacterial and viral infections. To alleviate the patient's condition, doctors prescribe antipyretic drugs. But what happens if you have already taken the maximum dose of antipyretic? How can you lower your body temperature without medication?

Sometimes a person forgets to take medication with them, but has a fever and no pharmacies nearby. What to do then? Let's look at some tricks of folk medicine to reduce the temperature.

Drink plenty of fluids to lower the temperature

For colds and viral infections, doctors prescribe drinking plenty of fluids so that a person can more easily remove toxins from the body, replenish lost fluids and have something to sweat - you need to drink a lot of useful drinks. They should be warm but not hot. The patient should take small sips once a minute to avoid vomiting. You can drink plain water as well as compotes, tea, fruit drinks.

Rubs and douches to lower the temperature

The rubs are old method of lowering body temperature. To do this, a towel, piece of cloth or sponge is moistened in 34-36 degrees lukewarm water (not ice to avoid spasm of blood vessels). The patient wipes (rubs): face, limbs, torso. It is also recommended to wipe areas with large blood vessels - forehead, groin folds, underarms, popliteal fossa.

Some recommend rubbing the body with a mixture of water and alcohol in equal amounts or with water and vinegar in a ratio of 3: 1.

When more persistent temperature you can do a shower (take a shower) with lukewarm water, with a temperature not lower than 35 degrees. You should not use these methods if the patient has chills, cold limbs, cramps, heart disease, children under one year.

Temperature lowering compresses

Compress with cottage cheese to lower the temperature
Compress with cottage cheese to lower the temperature

Photo: Stoyanka Rusenova

Compresses with a cloth soaked in lukewarm water or vinegar dissolved in water (1: 3) are one of the most used methods for lowering the temperature. They are most often placed on the forehead, and the towel is changed as soon as it warms up. They can be placed under the arms, on the feet, on the folds of the elbows and knees. Some recommend for stops fever to wrap the whole body in a sheet soaked in water and sprinkled with vinegar.

Others options for lowering the temperature are:

- compresses with cottage cheese on the forehead and feet;

- smearing the feet, folds and forehead with raw protein;

- compress on the forehead with water in which 5 tablespoons are dissolved. sugar;

- compress of the chest with honey and egg yolk (1: 1), covered with a newspaper for the night;

- compress the feet with honey;

- slices of potatoes dipped in vinegar are placed on the forehead and covered with a wet towel;

- warmed 2 tbsp. vegetable oil mixed with 2 cloves of crushed garlic or a little onion and grease the feet;

- a mixture of one protein, 3 tbsp. vinegar and a pinch of baking soda to smear the forehead, the folds of the elbows.

Ice to lower the temperature

Another way to lower body temperature is the application of ice in places where large vessels are located - the forehead, inguinal folds, under the arms, the folds behind the knees. To do this, break the ice, place it in a bag that is wrapped in a towel to avoid frostbite. This procedure is performed for 5-7 minutes, no more, after 15 minutes it can be repeated.

Just keep in mind that applying cold objects on a body with a high temperature can cause spasm of skin vessels. And even when the skin temperature drops, the temperature of the internal organs is likely to rise - this condition can be dangerous. Therefore, this method of lowering the temperature is used in extreme cases.

Enema to lower the temperature

The enema can be and an effective method of lowering the temperature, provided that all the injected water is excreted from the body instead of being heated and absorbed into the blood. The water for the enema should be 2 degrees lower than the person's body temperature at the moment. Under no circumstances should a cool enema be performed, otherwise spasm of the blood vessels is possible. Enema is not done for chills, cold limbs, prone to seizures and heart defects, as well as in children under one year.

Natural antipyretics to lower the temperature

Herbs for lowering the temperature
Herbs for lowering the temperature

Natural antipyretics (antipyretics) are found in fruits and plants. They can help lowering body temperature. Some plants contain salicylic acid, an analogue of aspirin, but in lower concentrations. These natural remedies include raspberries, strawberries, cherries, black and red currants, prunes, oranges, grapes or raisins.

Honey also contains salicylic acid.

The fruits can be consumed in any form, but it is better in the form of fruit drinks, tea and jam. You just have to be careful because these products can cause an allergic reaction.

You can prepare a antipyretic drink from fresh milk with half a teaspoon. turmeric and a pinch of black pepper. You can make tea from grated ginger or a mixture of honey, grated ginger and lemon juice to eat. Another option is to soak 1 tsp. mustard seeds in a glass of warm water for 5 minutes and drink it.

There are also diaphoretic herbs such as oregano, basil, calendula, black elderflower, linden blossom, yarrow, thyme, mint, birch buds and more.

From the herbs (one type or a combination of several) tea is prepared: 1-2 tbsp. herb per 200 ml of boiling water, boil and strain. Drink warm, maybe with honey and lemon. Then it is recommended that the patient lie down and wrap himself in something warm. When sweating, the body temperature drops, and you must change into dry clothes.

Remember that for any disease it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help from a doctor who will prescribe treatment and help avoid complications.

To help yourself with proven folk remedies, take a look at these health recipes. This compress against high temperature is also very effective.
