

County / Clematis vitalba L. / is a perennial woody, branched climbing and climbing plant of the Buttercup family. The county is spread throughout the country - from the coast to 2000 meters above sea level in the mountains.

It grows among the bushes, in the bright places in the woods, climbs fences and walls. It grows best in riparian shrubs and forests, where it often climbs to the tops of trees and covers their crowns. The county is also widespread in the Caucasus, Europe and Southwest Asia.

The stem of the county is up to 30 meters long. It grows from a highly developed rhizome and lives up to 24 years. Its leaves are pinnate, opposite and on long stalks.

County begins to bloom in late May and flowering continues until late August or early September. The flowers have long stalks, gathered in complex paniculate inflorescences. They have a white color and a faint aroma. Perianth petals are four with many stamens.

Soon after the colors of county begin to bloom, their place is taken by fluffy aggregate silver-gray fruits that are the size of a tennis ball. Each fruit consists of numerous oblong and slightly flattened reddish-brown fruits.

Although very often the ordinary county to appear as an annoying weed, it is a useful technical and ornamental plant. It is very beautiful when large feathery leaves appear, but becomes even more beautiful when white inflorescences appear.

Therefore, in many European countries, the county is grown as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens, most often for landscaping gazebos.

Composition of the county

The coating contains protoanemonin, which is converted to anemone when dried; vitamin C and provitamin A; essential oil; the saponin leotin; trimethylamine; glycosides; wax substances; myricyl and ceryl alcohol. The county also contains valuable alkaloids - clematitol, anemol, lenontil.

Herb County
Herb County

Collection and storage of the county

The above-ground part of the plant is collected for medicinal purposes. Its collection should take place during flowering - May and June. The roots are also used for medicinal purposes, but can be harvested year-round.

The county dried in the shade, the allowable humidity of the dried herb is about 12%. The shelf life of the cut stalks is 2 years, and the whole - 3 years. Store dried county in cool and dry rooms.

Benefits of county

The county has a very good diaphoretic, diuretic, fungicidal and bactericidal action. Used for headaches, edema, stomach ulcers, boils, joint pain and thorns. The county helps with eye inflammation, some sexually transmitted diseases, fever and varicose veins.

Joint Pain
Joint Pain

Folk medicine with a county

In Bulgarian folk medicine county used in gastric ulcer, fever, varicose veins. It is applied externally for baths for scabies and for applying boils. The root of the herb has the same effect.

The subcutaneous tissue of the stem, freshly crushed and mixed with olive oil, is applied in the form of paws for thorns, joint pain and rheumatism. The application should not be longer than 6 hours, because there is a risk of burns.

For internal use 1 tsp. county put in 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink one cup of coffee before meals, three times a day.

To make an oily extract from povet, pour 1 part dry leaves with 10 parts olive oil and leave for about 10 days. Use for local application.

Damage from the county

The bandage should be taken as directed by a doctor and in the correct doses to avoid possible side effects. In case of overdose, symptoms of poisoning appear, which affect the nervous system, cause loss of sensitivity to pain, lower body temperature. When picked, the stems and leaves can cause skin irritation.