Diet With Salt Restriction

Diet With Salt Restriction
Diet With Salt Restriction

Salt is an important mineral that performs many functions in the body. Naturally, it is found in many foods, including eggs and vegetables. It is also a major component in table salt, which we all use daily.

And while the undeniable health benefits of this mineral are a fact, salt restriction in the diet necessary in several circumstances. A low-salt diet is prescribed for a variety of health conditions, including heart problems, high blood pressure and kidney disease.

The truth is that salt is found in most foods we eat - fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, although in much lower amounts. The most concentrated are the levels in packaged foods such as chips and fast food, where it is added in huge quantities to enhance the taste.

Another factor that contributes to increased salt intake is the taste of home-cooked food. The diet with reduced salt intake restricts precisely these products, and the goal is to take less than 2-3 grams per day.

To get a clearer idea - a teaspoon of salt contains about 2.3 grams of salt.

Stop the salt
Stop the salt

Diet with limited salt intake recommended especially in people with kidney disease. When this paired organ suffers, the body cannot expel excess salt from the body. When they become too large, the blood pressure increases, which further damages the kidneys.

Salt reduction is also recommended for those suffering from hypertension. This mineral has been shown to be associated with a significant increase in blood pressure levels.

The benefits of this diet are many. In addition to lowering blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of kidney disease, it is now thought that reduced salt intake may reduce the risk of certain cancers, including stomach cancer. Reduced intake of this mineral has been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes as well as eye diseases.

How to follow a diet with reduced salt intake?

Spices instead of salt
Spices instead of salt

You will need to make some changes in your diet to completely exclude packaged products and consumption in fast food restaurants.

Sausages, most sauces, pickles should also be excluded from the regime.

At home - instead of seasoning the prepared food with salt, choose other spices that will give the desired flavor to your dish.

The basis of such a diet are fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, meat, eggs. Dairy products also contain salt, so they should be consumed with caution.

And to make you aware exactly how much salt you take in daily, you have to read the labels and calculate for yourself.

However, if you exclude harmful foods from your diet, you will not need such math.
