How To Lose Weight With A German Diet?

How To Lose Weight With A German Diet?
How To Lose Weight With A German Diet?

Everyone has heard of the protein, carbohydrate, high-profile 90-day diet and all sorts of other diets, but it's a little popular. the German diet, which does not require much effort, and for most people gives amazing results in a short time. The good thing is that by following its rules you can choose what products to eat, as long as you do not overdo it with their portions. Here is the scheme of the German diet:

- Like many other diets, the German diet is based on a separate diet, ie. to observe protein days, carbohydrate days, etc., but there are some major differences. For example, it is good to eat 5-6 times a day bread, rice, noodles, spaghetti and all kinds of pasta, regardless of whether they are whole grains or plain. The idea is that these products do not contain fat, but instead saturate the human body and are rich in vitamins and fiber. Just limit your portions;


- Dairy products, meat and fruits are consumed 2 times a day, and in terms of fruit it is good to choose different types. Regarding meat, choose lean beef, fish, rabbit meat and poultry, removing the skin. The emphasis is on the idea that in this diet it is best to choose fish and chicken, which are prepared boiled or baked. Sausages are not allowed. German nutritionists also advise to choose skim milk products and milk. The day you set for protein, you can eat more steadily twice;

- Unlike the protein day during the so-called vegetable day you can enjoy vegetables 3 times a day because they are rich in vitamins and salts. You can consume them as you wish, as long as they are not fried or breaded. It is still advisable to emphasize fresh vegetables and eat them in the form of salads. Season only with olive oil and sparingly, no oil is used;


- In practice, fats are banned as far as possible. This also applies to confectionery, and if you feel like eating too much jam, 1 tbsp is allowed. per day.
