Salt-free Diet

Salt-free Diet
Salt-free Diet

The salt-free diet has been known for decades and its effectiveness has been tested by many people. It allows you not only to say goodbye to extra pounds, but to strengthen your health.

This diet does not allow the consumption of salt. It is recommended that people suffering from chronic diseases adhere to a salt-free diet.

Cooking salt, which is actually sodium chloride, not only flavors food, but is also vital to human health.

Salt is a component of the lymph, blood, as well as all cells and intercellular space. Thanks to salt, the life of many cells is possible.

Salt-free diet
Salt-free diet

Sodium ions are necessary for the normal functioning of the body and for the disposal of excess potassium, which are very harmful.

The good balance of potassium and sodium in the body maintains the required amount of fluid, regulates water in the tissues, keeps blood vessels in a stable condition.

Salt is a source of acid for the formation of gastric juice. The salt-free diet is followed for no more than fifteen days, it aims to rid the body of excess salt and fluids.

They accumulate in the body because we often abuse salt without realizing it. Salt exists in many products, and many people additionally salt each dish.

Excess salt in the body causes many problems - atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic disease. The imbalance of water-salt metabolism leads to swelling and excess weight.

The salt-free diet helps to lose ten kilograms. During the salt-free diet, food is consumed in 4-5 intakes. Fried food is turned off, everything is steamed or boiled.

The salt-free diet excludes everything fatty and fried, smoked and spicy, marinated and canned. Meat and fish broths, game, pork and pasta desserts are prohibited. This diet is not suitable for summer.
