This Japanese Rice Dessert Will Bring Good Luck And Happiness To Your Home

This Japanese Rice Dessert Will Bring Good Luck And Happiness To Your Home
This Japanese Rice Dessert Will Bring Good Luck And Happiness To Your Home

Mochi is a Japanese rice dessert made from stewed white sticky or brown rice. Mochi itself is a staple food in Japanese cuisine, but it also plays an important ingredient in many Japanese foods such as desserts, soups or main dishes. It can be grilled, baked or fried.

Freshly prepared urine is soft, sticky and chewy, but must be consumed on the same day it is prepared, or the next day at the latest. This is because it hardens very quickly, becomes dry and unpleasant to eat.

Mochi is prepared by first stewing the rice and then crushing it to a smooth mass. Traditionally, mochi is made during a Japanese ceremony called mochitsuki, which translates literally strikes mochi. There are many stories and folk beliefs around this dessert.

In the past, Mochi was eaten only by rich and powerful people, it was not available to ordinary people. It was considered a talisman that brought good luck and, above all, happiness in marriage. That is why it was part of the wedding rituals.

The good thing about Urine is that it offers a variety of cooking options.

1. Sakura urinates

Sakura mochi or rice cake with cherry blossom is a traditional Japanese dessert that you can enjoy on March 3, known as Girl's Day.

2. Ozone

Japanese soup, which includes mochi and which must be consumed on New Year's Eve.

3. Kinako urine

Kinako Urine is one of the easiest ways to enjoy rice dessert. Kinako or roasted soy flour is mixed with white sugar and sprinkled over mochi. Extremely easy, and at the same time very tasty dish that is worth trying.

The options are really many and all but amazing. Every connoisseur of Japanese cuisine should try this traditional and favorite dish of all Japanese.
