The Price Of Cucumbers Continues To Rise

The Price Of Cucumbers Continues To Rise
The Price Of Cucumbers Continues To Rise

Data from the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets show that the price of cucumbers continues to rise, and for the last week they have jumped by 8.1 percent.

The wholesale price of cucumbers at the moment is BGN 1.46. A rise in prices was also registered for tomatoes, whose values on the stock exchanges were BGN 1.82 per kilogram.

The most serious decrease in the last week was noted by lemons, which decreased by 7.5% and their wholesale weight is sold for BGN 2.09.

Other citrus fruits - bananas and oranges - have also fallen in price, albeit slightly. The wholesale kilogram of bananas is 2.22 leva, and of oranges - 1.68 leva.

Cabbage and potatoes have kept their values during the week, which continue to be offered for 50 stotinki and 53 stotinki per kilogram, respectively.

Carrots are cheaper by 1 stotinka and their price is currently 70 stotinki per kilogram. Red and green peppers also fell in price during the week, as their values at the moment are BGN 1.51 per kilogram and BGN 1.10 per kilogram, respectively.


In the last week, a decrease in prices was also observed for imported grapes, which fell by 1.8% to BGN 1.60 per kilogram wholesale. For apples, the wholesale price has remained at BGN 1 per kilogram.

There is no change in the price of cow's cheese and its kilogram continues to be sold for 5.57 leva. Vitosha yellow cheese has registered a decrease of up to BGN 10.77 per kilogram. The price of butter is reduced by 1 stotinka and its price is BGN 2.50 for 125 grams.

Oil is still traded for BGN 1.92 per liter, sugar - for BGN 1.20 per kilogram wholesale. The ripe beans have also kept their values of BGN 4.26 per kilogram.

The price of minced meat has risen by less than one percent and its price on the stock exchanges at the moment is BGN 4.65 per kilogram. The price of flour type 500 has increased by 3.7% and its kilogram is sold for 85 stotinki.

The price of eggs has remained the same since last week and they continue to be offered for an average of 18 stotinki per piece.
