Nuts Are A Must For Residents Of Megacities

Nuts Are A Must For Residents Of Megacities
Nuts Are A Must For Residents Of Megacities

All types of nuts are useful for the inhabitants of megacities, say Ayurvedic experts. The environment and stress often cause an imbalance of energies, and nuts have the ability to help neutralize it and bring harmony to the body.

People who have allergies should eat nuts less often, because it can affect them badly, and those who are prone to gaining weight, better to prefer walnuts and pumpkin seeds and forget about cashews.

Nuts have long intrigued scientists with their huge life potential - yet they have a complex system for the full provision of life for the future plant.

Some of them have particularly valuable properties. For example, walnuts are known as food for the brain because they contain a special type of lecithin. It is involved in the formation of acetylcholine, which mediates the transmission of nerve impulses.

When the body receives enough of it, it helps the brain to process and absorb information much faster. According to scientists, five walnuts a day are enough to improve coordination and spatial memory.


Peanuts combine antioxidants and polyunsaturated acids, which reduce the absorption of cholesterol from food and help the cardiovascular system.

Pine nuts have many more vitamins than all the others, and twice as many minerals. They contain B vitamins, which play an important role in maintaining our emotional stability.

In addition, they contain vitamin E and C and slow down the development of Alzheimer's, even when the pathological processes have already begun. That's why it's good to pamper yourself with some cedar nuts sometimes.

Almonds contain many useful substances, which is why they are also used in medicine. The emulsion, which is obtained from young almonds, is recommended as an analgesic for stomach pain.

Almond extract is used in the preparation of anti-inflammatory eye and ear drops, and almonds themselves are used to bake bread, which is useful for diabetics.
