Ornish Diet

Ornish Diet
Ornish Diet

Ornish's diet helps people fight excess weight. It is also a good way to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

It is also believed that this diet lowers blood pressure, regulates blood cholesterol, and is an excellent way to prevent prostate and breast cancer.

Dr. Dean Ornish, the author of the diet, is a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. It offers diet as a way to lose weight and a means of preventing or recovering from chronic diseases.

According to the followers of the diet, consuming mainly plant foods rich in fiber and low in fat, helps not only a healthy lifestyle, but also sculpting the figure.

The foods in the Ornish diet are categorized into five groups according to how healthy they are. The first group describes the most useful ones, and number 5 - the most harmful.

The author recommends that aerobic exercises, strength training or those that test the flexibility of the body be performed together with the diet. Those who wish can also trust yoga, meditation and others to find the right combination.


Care should be taken with fat intake, which is limited to only 10% of the daily menu. Cholesterol-raising foods, as well as most animal products, are also banned. Eggs and one glass of skim milk per day are allowed. The diet emphasizes the intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates.

The good thing about it is that a person is not limited to taking a certain amount of calories a day. On the other hand, he must be very careful about what food he consumes. And depending on how healthy it is, one part of it can be eaten often, while the other is forbidden.

If you feel hungry, you can always rely on legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains.

It is good to be careful with skim milk products, fats, egg whites.

And foods that should be avoided include all types of meat, avocados, whole milk foods, sugar, alcohol and packaged foods.
