Dr. Dean Ornish's Diet

Dr. Dean Ornish's Diet
Dr. Dean Ornish's Diet

Dr. Dean Ornish is a professor of medicine at the University of California, as well as president and director of the Research Center for Preventive Medicine. He doesn't actually have a degree in nutrition, but his diet, also known as "Eat More and Lose Weight," has proven to be very popular and effective.

In this diet, it is recommended to consume mainly plant foods that are especially rich in fiber. They are also low in fat. Dr. Ornish says that following this regimen will not only help us lose weight, but also keep us healthy.

In this diet, foods are divided into three separate groups - one is foods that can always be eaten, the other, those that we can eat from time to time, and the third group - foods that we should not eat.

Here are the foods we can always eat - all kinds of fruits, vegetables, except olives and avocados, legumes and cereals.

Dean Ornish Diet
Dean Ornish Diet

Foods that are prohibited for consumption during the diet are:

- Meat of any kind - if it is difficult for you to categorically give up meat, at least try to drastically limit its intake;

- Fish;

- All dairy products;

- Sugar and any sugar derivatives;

Weight loss
Weight loss

- No seeds or nuts;

- All kinds of oils;

- Alcoholic beverages;

- Avocado and olives

The products you can eat, but not always are:

- Any foods that are very low in fat;

- Egg whites;

- Dairy products, but necessarily skimmed

Dr. Ornish also recommends some exercise to his diet - at least an hour three times a week. He also recommends eating in small portions. Undoubtedly, this diet has its benefits, and of course, it also has its risks.

Benefits of the regimen - It is believed that it can control health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Risks of the regime - because the diet is quite drastic and monotonous, it is not suitable for everyone.

Although it makes you lose weight, it is good to consult a specialist in advance, because this diet limits most of the things we eat every day.
