Nurses - The Most Ardent Fans Of Coffee

Nurses - The Most Ardent Fans Of Coffee
Nurses - The Most Ardent Fans Of Coffee

Coffee is unofficially recognized as a fuel that maintains the rhythm of work in hospitals around the clock. According to a new study, nurses and doctors are most dependent on the invigorating effect of coffee to be able to do their job well.

However, they are not alone in this bias. According to researchers, 43 percent of people who prefer to drink coffee say they work worse if they do not drink coffee during the day.

One third of people of working age are convinced that they cannot make it to the end of the working day if they do not drink at least one more coffee after morning.

According to the study, which involved more than 10,000 representatives of various professions, it became clear that in the first place in the list of passionate fans of coffee are nurses.

Nurses - the most ardent fans of coffee
Nurses - the most ardent fans of coffee

In second place are doctors, and in third place - hotel employees. The fourth place went to designers and architects, and the fifth place went to insurance agents and sellers of various types of goods.

This is followed by nutritionists, engineers, teachers, marketers, scientists, machine operators and government officials.

The study also found that young people were more addicted to coffee. Over forty percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 say they can't concentrate if they don't drink at least one coffee.

One in five young employees says they are buying a second coffee as a reward for a job well done. Over thirty percent of young employees drink two or three coffees a day.

The third coffee, they admit, they drink by the end of the working day, as the last energy boost, in order to be able to cope with the last set tasks.
