

Povetica / Convolvulus / is a genus of flowering plant of the Povetitsov family, including over 200 species of annual and perennial, creeping or shrubby plants, reaching up to 3 m in height. The leaves of most species are spirally arranged, and the flowers have the shape of a trumpet, painted mainly in white, pink, blue, purple or yellow.

Some species are problematic weeds that can stifle other more valuable plants, but at the same time they are grown as ornamental flowers because of their rich colors. Other species are officially endangered.

Fortunately or not, the Polish proverb / Convolvulus arvensis / is found in Bulgaria. Not only is it not endangered, it is even a stubborn weed that every gardener tries to get rid of.

Povetitsa is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Povetitz family. The stem of the plant is creeping or twisting, reaching 1 m in length. The leaves of the field anther are consecutive, basically lanceolate or arrow-shaped, oblong-ovate to lanceolate or linear.

The flowers are 1-3 in the axils of the leaves on long stalks. Corolla funnel-shaped, white or pink with 5 longitudinal dark stripes. The fruit of the plant is a spherical cracked box. The Polish primrose blooms from April to October.

The Polish proverb is found mainly in Europe and Asia. In our country the plant is distributed in grassy, stony and bushy places. Povetitsa is a common weed in fields, stormy roads, yards, gardens, ditches, in the lowlands and mountains, up to 1000 m above sea level.

Types of proverbs

Another famous member of the genus is Convolvulus tricolor, which originates from southern Europe and North Africa. It is distinguished by its tricolor colors. In good summer weather, they open between 7 and 8 o'clock and close between 17 and 18 o'clock. In its pure form, the flower funnel is purple at the end, turning into a white wreath, in the center of which stands out a sulfur-yellow star.

The tricolor proverb there are many varieties in pink, different blue tones and purple. The so-called beautiful cross is usually offered. This butterbur is an annual plant. Initially it grows low, then rises to 20-40 cm in height. The stems are covered with hairs, the leaves are irregular, lanceolate-ovate rounded.

This type is extremely suitable for hanging pots and boxes. It can be very successfully combined with other flowers with the same colors as the funnel, such as yellow calceolaria, white petunias, violet willows.

Composition of a proverb

The drug from Polish vetch contains about 5% glycosidic resins (glycoretins), called convolvulins, tannins, lavender and others.

Herb Povetica
Herb Povetica

Growing a witch

Polish the proverb (Š”onvolvulus arvensis) belong to the group of perennial root-shoot weeds. It has an extremely high ability for vegetative propagation, but it is also propagated by seeds. The seeds germinate in a relatively long period at a temperature of 15-18 degrees. Povetitsa forms a main root that penetrates to a depth of 2 m into the soil.

Under favorable conditions it can develop a root system up to 6 m in diameter and up to 9 m deep. Lateral, horizontal roots are formed next to the main root, which sometimes also reach a length of several meters. Both on the main root and on the lateral root branches there are buds from which shoots develop. These shoots are able to form main and lateral roots, from which new shoots appear, etc.

Thus, from one plant new above-ground stems and roots are formed in all directions, located in spots of different sizes on the area. Root cuttings over 1 cm develop a new plant. Root shoots develop throughout the growing season. Most is a light-loving and nitrogen-loving species. Withstands prolonged and severe droughts. It grows well on poorer soils.

Collection and storage of proverbs

The majority it can be found everywhere in our country as a weed, in all arable lands, in yards and vineyards. The above-ground part of the plant is used, which is harvested during flowering in the period from May to June. The leafy stems of the herb (Herba Convolvuli) collected during flowering are cleaned of accidental impurities. They are dried at ordinary temperature or in an oven up to 45 degrees. The dried material has a bitter taste.

Benefits of proverbs

The majority however, it is not just an annoying weed. It turns out that the Polish proverb has a laxative, diuretic and epithelial effect. The laxative effect of the Polish proverb, also known as a gramophone, is due to the convulvin contained in it, Russian scientists claim after research conducted in the 1970s.

According to another colleague, who studied the properties of the plant, the seeds and roots of butterbur have a predominantly laxative effect and can be used for colitis and gastritis, while the leaves have a diuretic effect, and the stems and juice obtained from them - hemostatic. The herb is also used as an epithelial agent for skin lesions and especially for difficult to heal wounds, according to data provided by scientists in the early sixties.


It was also found that the extract of Polish proverb has a pronounced hypotensive effect, lowering blood pressure by up to 50% from baseline for 60-120 minutes. Applied for two weeks, it normalizes blood pressure.

The herb extract slows down and reduces the strength of the heartbeat. The extract has an atropine-like effect on smooth muscles. The individual alkaloids convolvin and convolamine have a local anesthetic effect, combined with a strong irritant effect on mucous surfaces. An ingredient with a hemostatic effect is also isolated from the above-ground part of the vetica.

Glycosides isolated from butterbur have bactericidal action. In folk medicine, extracts from the whole herb, as well as from its individual parts are used as a laxative and diuretic. In some parts of Russia, the proverb is used to treat hypertension and bronchial asthma, which corresponds to experimentally established data on its action.

Folk medicine with a proverb

Bulgarian folk medicine recommends a decoction of Polish proverb in chronic atonic constipation accompanied by pain and colic. It is also used for congestive jaundice, difficulty urinating and inflammation of the prostate gland.

One part of the herb is poured with 5 parts of 70% alcohol and left to stand for two weeks. Strain and drink the liquid 1/2 to 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day as a diuretic and laxative.

A teaspoon of finely chopped stalks of buttermilk is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to cool. The resulting liquid is filtered and drunk for two days. The same liquid can be used for external use.

In case of inflammation of the bladder, one tablespoon of black elder leaves, one tablespoon of cod and one tablespoon of butterbur are poured with 400 ml of boiling water. The herbs soak for two hours. The infusion is filtered and taken instead of water.

Harm from the proverb

Polish proverb should be used as a medicine only under medical supervision. When taking large amounts of the herb, complaints from the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, diarrhea, damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and others may occur. In addition, taking Polish butterbur can cause bleeding and general malaise.