Discarded Foods In The Past

Discarded Foods In The Past
Discarded Foods In The Past

The issue of culinary preferences in the past is very curious for us today. No less interesting is the issue of forbidden foods and the motives that make certain foods undesirable and rejected and even forbidden to humans. We can say that the main reasons for the rejection of certain foods are two: one is religious reasons in ancient times. The second is ignorance of certain foods and fear of consuming them after the Great Geographical Discoveries, when many new crops were imported into Europe and the continent was faced with an abundance of unfamiliar foods.

Rejected foods for religious reasons in ancient times

Rejected foods
Rejected foods

Undoubtedly, religion is the basis of all dietary prohibitions in antiquity. Therefore, to find out which ones foods have been rejected since ancient times, we must turn to the most detailed source - the Bible. Biblical cuisine turns out to have a very detailed dietary regulation. There we learn that in the beginning God only allowed Adam and Eve vegetarian food.

After the Flood, meat appeared on man's table, although it is believed that Adam and Eve's son, Abel, who raised animals, ate their meat and milk. It was not until Noah and his family that the ban on eating meat was officially lifted.

God gives a detailed list of foods that are forbidden to eat for the Jews. Animals are divided into clean and unclean and the unclean are included in the list of rejected as food. Camels, mice, rabbits and pigs are some of the animals identified as unclean and are excluded from feeding.

All those that do not have feathers and scales are excluded from aquatic animals. Seafood such as crabs, lobsters, cuttlefish, octopuses and cartilaginous fish remain off the menu.

Seafood is a rejected food in Israeli cuisine
Seafood is a rejected food in Israeli cuisine

Among the birds, the ban includes listed representatives of the bird world: which are still not edible today - eagle, falcon, raven, swan, stork, peacock and many others. Of the reptiles, almost all are rejected.

The Christian table is more tolerant of those who eat. The understanding is that it is not what enters the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of it. But there is still rejected foods. It is mainly about pagan sacrificial foods. They have been identified as an unwanted possible food for the believing Christian.

Rejected foods due to ignorance after the Great Geographical Discoveries

Discarded foods in the past
Discarded foods in the past

With the Great Geographical Discoveries, many new cultures, foods with unknown tastes, are entering Europe, and some of them have caused distrust among the people of the European continent. We must add the fact that many of these foods looked very different from their current appearance, and so it will become clear why they were rejected from the table.

Watermelon in ancient times looked very different. It did not contain enough lycopene to give the red color known today. She also had bigger seeds, so she didn't enjoy the interest she has today.

The tomato looked even more frightening. We consider it a vegetable, but in fact it is a fruit. Tomatoes in the Middle Ages were green in color and the size of a cherry. Until the eighteenth century, people did not eat them because they thought they were poisonous.
