Discarded Meats In The Warm Windows Of Kyustendil Stores

Discarded Meats In The Warm Windows Of Kyustendil Stores
Discarded Meats In The Warm Windows Of Kyustendil Stores

Have you ever wondered what happens to expired foods? According to the legislation in force in Bulgaria, shops and food chains are obliged to withdraw from their shelves the expired or expiring goods and send them for destruction in a slaughterhouse at their own expense.

Until recently, it was common practice to return these goods to suppliers and manufacturers, who usually repackaged them or simply reinvested them in production. The vicious practice was contrary to all good commercial, hygienic and production norms.

Ingenious traders have already found semi-legal ways to minimize losses from unusable products. The owners of food chains in Kyustendil sell the expired goods to their staff.


At first glance, the idea seems reasonable, if there were not one or two disturbing details in this practice. First, employees buy almost unusable goods at regular prices, ie. do not enjoy discounts or preferences, which would be appropriate given the short shelf life.

More disturbing is the fact that the purchase of these goods is mandatory. Employees who refuse to shop simply receive a dismissal order.

The violation was reported by Parvan Dangov, who is the director of the Regional Directorate of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) in Kyustendil.


The inspection of the inspectors of the BFSA OD has found other violations in the grocery stores in Kyustendil region.

Many traders, instead of destroying fresh meat, minced meat and by-products (sausages, sausages, semi-finished products) with expired expiration date, have either frozen them or processed them on the hot stand.

According to BFSA experts, any product that is out of expiration date, even if it undergoes heat treatment, is high risk and poses an immediate danger to consumer health.

"The dangerous practice of subjecting unfit products to heat treatment, in which there is a risk of food poisoning, cannot and will not be tolerated," Dangov said.

In October, the OD of the BFSA in Kyustendil carried out inspections in 53 large sites on the territory of Kyustendil district. Wholesale warehouses, retail stores, catering companies, large food chains and catering establishments were inspected.
