Foods To Enhance Memory

Foods To Enhance Memory
Foods To Enhance Memory

Sometimes our memory suddenly refuses to work. For the normal functioning of the brain cells and good memory, a normal and calm daily rhythm is not enough, and some very specific substances are needed. As choline, iron and B vitamins, especially B3.

See the foods you can get the food you need normal memory operation substances:

Eggs for better memory

They are rich in choline and lecithin, which help remove bad cholesterol from the body. When choline enters the brain, it is converted to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that transmits information from cell to cell.

Eggs are also rich in vitamins (A, B, D, E) and trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur. You only need one egg a day to meet 100% of the body's daily need for vitamin B12. It has been found that B12 deficiency can lead to depression and nerve cell death.

Black caviar for a strong memory

Rich source of choline and almost all known trace elements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese. The fish product is also rich in vitamins - A, B, D and C. Black caviar is quite expensive. But even if you can afford it, remember that you should not overdo it - it contains a lot of purines. These are sources of uric acid and the culprits for the formation of kidney stones. Purines also provoke gout.

Green apples support memory
Green apples support memory

Green apples support memory

They contain iron, which is needed to saturate the brain with oxygen. Apples also contain the following vitamins - C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, P, E, glucose, cellulose, pectin and tannins, mineral salts, phytoncides and essential oils. The fruit not only helps improve memory, but is also useful in arthritis, gout, anemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver disease, kidney disease and bladder.

Mushrooms against plaques

They are rich in zinc, barium, magnesium, molybdenum, lead, iodine and vitamins A and B3. Mushrooms suppress the development of cancer and contain substances that destroy cholesterol plaques and help to good memory.

Grapes to enhance memory
Grapes to enhance memory

Grapes for healthy cells

This fruit contains all the B vitamins that are necessary for the proper functioning of the cells of the whole body, not just the brain. Vitamins from this group are extremely important for people who lead an active lifestyle because they are involved in tissue respiration and the production of energy that stimulates mental activity and memory. Grapes are also rich in folic acid, vitamins K and P, activate hematopoiesis, so experts recommend it for anemia.

Pumpkin seeds improve memory

They contain iron and vitamin B3. They are needed in case of deficiency of phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium. Pumpkin seeds improve memory. They are especially useful for the stronger sex, because folk medicine has long recommended them for the prevention of prostatitis.

Strawberries and blueberries for more homemade

They help make dopamine. Strawberries also contain the substance fizetin, which improves brain function and protects cells from degeneration. These fruits also protect us from cardiovascular problems, ulcers and bladder diseases.

See also several methods that enhance memory.
