Forget About All Diets! This Is The Right Diet For You

Forget About All Diets! This Is The Right Diet For You
Forget About All Diets! This Is The Right Diet For You

We all hear about our blood type and how it affects our diet. Here are some simple things about eating by blood type that are good to learn or remember if you forgot them.

There are four main blood types:

Type A - agricultural type

Type B - mountain type

Type 0 - type hunter

Type AB - the most common and with the strongest immune system.

In addition to the main blood groups, there are more than 400 subtypes, which are determined by the profile, health and lifestyle of a person.

1. Blood types and blood transfusions

AB can receive blood of all types, but only gives it to AB.

A can receive blood of type A or 0, but gives only to A or AB.

B can receive type B or 0 blood, but only donates to B or AB.

0 can only receive type 0 blood, but donates to all types.

Interestingly, there are universal donors, who are usually people with a negative rhesus factor from blood group 0 RH D. On the other hand, all with a positive rhesus factor from blood group AB RH D are universal recipients.

2. Plasma compatibility

Blood transfusion
Blood transfusion

AB can receive plasma from AB, but gives it to all species.

A can receive plasma from A and AB, but donates only to A and 0.

B can receive plasma from B and AB, but gives only to B and 0.

0 is the universal plasma receiver, but can only donate plasma to 0.

3. Diet for excellent health and quality of life

Dairy products
Dairy products

The blood type A diet is mostly vegetarian, including fish, chicken and yogurt. These people should stay away from legumes, spicy foods, dehydration and coffee.

Blood group B should focus mainly on dairy products, lamb, fish, vegetables, tea and cereals. Stay away from alcohol, preservatives and excessive noise.

The blood group 0 diet is mainly made of meat, fish, vegetables and alternates with periods of fasting. You need to reduce your consumption of dairy products, processed foods and not overeat.

The more modern blood group AB allows you to eat almost anything. People with this blood type should limit themselves to organic, fresh raw foods and avoid cooked and processed foods.

4. Blood types and fats


Blood group A: They can freely consume animal fats and sugar.

Blood group B: Consumption of fried foods and bread can cause them discomfort.

Blood type 0: Changes in their eating habits lead to weight gain.

Blood group AB: Lack of activity leads to weight gain.

5. Character according to blood type

Blood type A: compassionate, organized, effective, leaders.

Blood group B: introverted, flexible, friendly, active.

Blood type 0: practical, confident, careful, empathetic.

Blood group AB: rational, calm, strong, innovative.

6. How stress affects each blood type


Blood type A: These people cannot easily cope with stress and take the time to overcome it. Keeping calm is important, and hydration is crucial here.

Blood type B: They are usually calm, but their mood can change dramatically. What they can do is practice breathing techniques.

Blood type 0: Prone to anger. They can deal with it by applying visualization techniques and imagining all the possibilities.

Blood type AB: They can balance under stress quite well, but they can also get angry easily. It is good to engage in some activity with which to release tension.
