Forget About Diet Drinks! They Will Bring You Dementia And Stroke

Video: Forget About Diet Drinks! They Will Bring You Dementia And Stroke

Video: Forget About Diet Drinks! They Will Bring You Dementia And Stroke
Video: Diet Soft Drinks May Lead to Higher Chance of Stroke and Dementia | Good Morning Britain 2024, December
Forget About Diet Drinks! They Will Bring You Dementia And Stroke
Forget About Diet Drinks! They Will Bring You Dementia And Stroke

Older people who drink even one diet drink a day are three times more likely to develop dementia or stroke, new studies say. Scientists from many countries around the world believe that dietary versions of standard soft drinks should no longer be considered healthier. More and more experts are urging governments to launch campaigns to encourage people to drink more water and milk.

The new data comes after a study by Boston University, which involved 4,400 adult volunteers. The results showed that there was no link between sugar and the two diseases, but scientists in no way encourage people to drink them.

The team that conducted the study believes that artificial sweeteners, widely used in making diet drinks, are to blame for many of the diseases plaguing modern man. The most commonly used harmful ingredients are aspartame and saccharin, which affect blood vessels and ultimately cause strokes, strokes and dementia.


U. S. researchers have calculated based on the processed data that regular drinkers are about 15% more at risk of developing dementia and a significant 30% more at risk of stroke. Experts recommend regular consumption of water, milk and tea. And sweet lovers are advised to use honey, not putting more than one teaspoon in a cup.

Diet drinks make up about a quarter of the soft drinks market. However, experts report that their share is increasing with each passing year. The reason for this is the aggressive advertising campaign, which presents them not only as more useful, but also as a means by which you can almost lose weight or at least not gain weight.


For years, experts have said that so-called sugar-free drinks are not at all as useful as they appear. However, another blow to these claims was struck by scientists from Imperial College London, who proved that they not only do not lose excess weight, but also promote weight gain by activating sugar receptors in the brain. This, in turn, encourages a person to need more sweet foods.
