Say Goodbye To Fatigue With The Help Of Reishi Mushroom (Ling Shi)

Say Goodbye To Fatigue With The Help Of Reishi Mushroom (Ling Shi)
Say Goodbye To Fatigue With The Help Of Reishi Mushroom (Ling Shi)

The fungus Ganoderma lucidum and its close variety Ganoderma tsugae are best known as Reishi (so-called in Japan, which means phantom mushroom) and as Ling Shi (so-called in China, which means the mushroom of immortality).

It is edible, growing like a parasite on withered fruit trees and feeding on dead plants. It has been used in China for more than 3,000 years, and its healing benefits are known to all.

The mushroom contains vitamins, proteins, minerals, lactones, saturated fatty acids and others. Ling Shi is an edible mushroom and can also be used to make tinctures.

The mushroom is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is an anti-tumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

It helps treat cancer, bronchitis, asthma, viruses and bacteria, improves immunity and is used for stress.

Modern medicine has proven that the fungus has a general effect by stimulating the production of histamine in certain tissues (endocrine effect) and calms the nervous system. The fungus stimulates the anti-inflammatory properties of the body and the immune system.

Reishi has an exceptional effect on the nervous system, easily coping with chronic fatigue syndrome. The fungus has been used successfully for a long time in psychiatry, especially in Japan and China. With its help it regulates mental disorders, anxiety, and helps even with epilepsy.

Reishi mushroom helps with many different types of cancer, heart attack, arthritis, stroke, atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart failure, helps with itching and burning of the skin and prevents allergic swelling.

Reishi can be taken every day - there are no negative consequences, as its long-term use strengthens the immune system. It destroys tumor cells, and it should be noted that the reason for their formation in most cases is the weakened immunity of the body.

Research on the mushroom has been conducted in Japan, where mass cultivation of the mushroom at home has even begun. The treatment with the fungus is a long-term process that lasts at least 4 months, so we must be patient in the treatment with it.
