Whey - An Indispensable Elixir For Health

Whey - An Indispensable Elixir For Health
Whey - An Indispensable Elixir For Health

Cow, sheep or goat cheese - it is not important, but rather it is important to always have a quality piece of cheese on the table. But did you know that the cheese-making process produces a by-product (this is a liquid that remains after the milk is cut), known as wheywhich is unfairly underestimated and unfortunately used very little.

The main problem is that few people know that whey is a food product with many useful qualities.

It has the highest percentage of water and contains very few calories and fat. There are only 360 calories in one liter of whey. Chemical analysis has shown that whey has 16 types of proteins, 8 minerals, 7 vitamins, up to 23 amino acids and up to 11 enzymes.

Whey contains many minerals necessary for our body - mainly calcium, copper, iron, zinc, cobalt, manganese and phosphates. These minerals are important because they are involved in metabolic processes and contribute to better cell tone.

Proper course of this process significantly reduces the risk of stroke, high blood pressure. Improves immunity, regulates harmful cholesterol and intestinal flora, restores the liver, prevents osteoporosis and reduces tartar.

From sugars in whey has the highest percentage of lactose, which is especially important in children's nutrition. However, protein is the most important ingredient in whey. Composed mainly of essential amino acids, which are involved in building muscle mass, but do not create fat and do not gain weight. That is why whey is considered one of the best sources of energy and is recommended for athletes, children, the elderly, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

Unlike milk, whey is less caloric. Proteins give a feeling of satiety, and affect the release of hormones that regulate appetite.

On sale, whey and its by-products can be found in more forms such as sour whey, sweet whey and as fruit-fortified drinks.

Whey is used for the production of various types of cheese, for the production of baby food, ice cream and feed. It also serves as an additive in many food processes for the production of bread, bakery products and biscuits.

Whey is best drunk fresh, sweetened with a little sugar or with the addition of fruit.

Today, whey powder is especially popular, which is obtained through special technological processes. If you buy this type of whey, the way to use it is by dissolving it in warm water and drinking it as a meal replacement.

The only thing that matters is not to overdo it, because it can cause diarrhea.

Use: for food dishes - soups, stews, muesli, fruit shakes. It is added to the dough for bread and bakery products, which improves their nutritional value.
