Greece Is Being Fined 250 Million For Olive Oil

Greece Is Being Fined 250 Million For Olive Oil
Greece Is Being Fined 250 Million For Olive Oil

Greece has been fined 250m euros for violating the rules on the absorption of aid for olive oil production. The final decision on the sanction was taken by the European Court.

The European Court of Justice has imposed a hefty fine on Greece for failing to complete its geographic information system to identify agricultural areas where olives are extracted for olive oil. This had to be done within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy.

Already in 2007, after inspections by the European Commission, irregularities were found in the control of aid for the production of olive oil in arable land.

European inspectors conducted two surveys on the issue, after which the European Commission decided to sanction Greece with the amount of 250 million euros, but Athens challenged the Commission's decision and took the matter to the European Court.


In the end, the court ruled that the decision on a financial sanction by the European Commission was reasoned and imposed a fine on Greece.

Last month, a scandal broke out in Bulgaria with a Greek brand of olive oil, which was found to be a fake.

Green olives
Green olives

The olive oil was confiscated by a food chain in Plovdiv, and after the tests it was proved that it was a mixture of vegetable and palm oil, although the label said that it was extra virgin.

The study was conducted by experts at Plovdiv University.

"It turned out that the analyzed product is not olive oil at all, although it is offered on the market for BGN 15," Associate Professor Maria Mudova from the Faculty of Food Physics at the university told Maritsa newspaper.

The University of Plovdiv proposed a new method for physical analysis of goods in the fight against counterfeiting on the market.

Physical analysis is much cheaper because no preparation and chemicals are required to perform the test. But the initial investment to buy equipment is greater.

The other advantage is that it is much faster than classical microbiological and chemical methods. There are optical methods that can give results between 10 minutes and half an hour - explains Associate Professor Mudova.
