Test Rusks Help With Baking

Test Rusks Help With Baking
Test Rusks Help With Baking

Hosts who are not aware of all the features of their oven can find themselves in a rather awkward position in front of their guests. If your oven is one of the old models, it is clear that it heats up slowly and unevenly.

But even newer oven models sometimes need to be tested to be aware of their capabilities. For this purpose, French chefs advise to use rusks for testing.

Cut the bread into large slices and arrange them on the oven rack. It should be in the middle of the oven. Bake at maximum temperature for a few minutes.

Then look at the slices and you will notice that some of them are darker than others. This will give you information about the hottest spots in your oven.

When cooking, remove the pan from this hot part or constantly rotate the pan to bake the dish evenly. There are many other secrets to using the oven and one of them is to let the meat rest.


That is, after you have taken it out of the oven, where you cooked it as slowly as possible to make it tasty and tender, you should let it rest at room temperature.

Then the juice from the meat, which has gathered in the center of the piece, will spread evenly and the roasted meat will become extremely juicy and tender, as well as tasty.

The same goes for chicken. It takes him at least five minutes to rest, but it's best to leave him for twenty minutes - then it will be most fragile.

Always defrost the meat before cooking. It is better to melt the ice at room temperature, rather than quickly in boiling water.

When in boiling water, some of the meat is cooked before it is needed, and the chicken and vegetables can become a puree and absorb too much liquid.
