Culinary Textbook: Baking Pasta

Culinary Textbook: Baking Pasta
Culinary Textbook: Baking Pasta

One of the prerequisites for obtaining high quality pasta is their timely and proper baking. The pasta prepared in the catering establishments is baked in ovens on solid and liquid fuel stoves or in electric bakeries. Care must be taken when baking in ovens with liquid fuel stoves, as in many cases they are heated to a high temperature, and this can lead to burning of the products. Baking in solid fuel stoves gives good results when done at a uniform temperature.

Electric bakeries are the most suitable for baking, as it is possible to regulate their temperature depending on the type of product.

The baking time depends on the type and size of the product and the oven temperature. Products made from different types of dough are baked in different ways and at different temperatures.

For example, products made of steamed dough are baked in a tightly closed oven so that steam does not come out, but at a moderate temperature, and products made of puff pastry - at a higher temperature. The light biscuit dough products are baked in a dry oven, at first the temperature is lower and then it rises until they turn red. Easter cake products are baked in a medium-moderate and tightly closed oven, and butter dough products - in a medium-moderate dry oven.

Many of the pasta products increase significantly during baking. The main reason for this is the formation of gases as a result of the processes that take place in the dough under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, when arranging the pasta in the pan, a space should be left between them.


In addition, when baking, the products lose their weight depending on the materials used in them. For example, products made with water and milk lose more weight than products made with butter and sugar.

Whether the product is baked is determined by the color of the crust, the consistency and by touch - the most typical for products made of light biscuit dough. The baking of the Easter cake products is established by piercing with a thin clean stick. If no traces of dough remain on it, the product is baked.
