Breakfast Ice Cream Makes Us Smarter

Breakfast Ice Cream Makes Us Smarter
Breakfast Ice Cream Makes Us Smarter

Just one teaspoon of ice cream for breakfast can provide us with an unexpected boost in brain activity, a new study shows. According to Japanese scientist Yoshihiko Koga, the first thing everyone should do in the morning is to eat three tablespoons of ice cream. Then, in order to fully wake up our brain and prepare for the upcoming work day, we need to solve several logical tasks on the computer, says the expert.

Professor Koga found that when people ate ice cream for breakfast, they showed a better reaction time and processed information much faster than those who chose to eat another type of food.

To prove his point, he and his team measured the brain waves of two groups of ten people each. One ate breakfast with ice cream for a week and the other ate oatmeal with yogurt. In the first volunteers in the tasty experiment, an increase in alpha waves in the brain was reported. These waves are known to be the answers to concentration, relaxation and mental coordination.

In the second part of the experiment, the scientist replaced the ice cream with cold water to test whether the temperature of the delicious dessert was not decisive for the extreme awakening of the brain. Repeated measurements of brain waves also showed some increase in mental performance and alertness, but it was significantly lower than that caused by ice cream.

ice cream
ice cream

Professor Koga, an expert in psychophysiology at the University of Tokyo, specializes in the psychology of the interaction between body and mind. The main focus of his research over the past thirty years has been the effects of certain foods and aromas on stress and aging.

In a previous study, the Japanese scientist successfully proved that one of the greatest natural resources given to man is ginkgo biloba. The slow-growing plant, in addition to being a powerful stimulator of brain waves, has an extremely strong anti-stress effect, and frequent use of the herb slows down the aging process and cleanses the body of harmful toxins.
