Red Wine Makes You Smarter

Red Wine Makes You Smarter
Red Wine Makes You Smarter

Have you ever thought that a conversation starts better after a glass or two of red wine? You feel a little more literate, witty and witty…

It turns out that these assumptions are not just a figment of your imagination, if we can trust the results of a recent study.

The super ingredient found in red wine, called resveratrol, is thought to be a substance that has the ability to increase blood flow to the brain, causing your mental abilities to increase.

The University of Northumbria in Norway tested 24 adults. Study participants were divided into two groups: the first was given resveratrol tablets and the second was given placebo pills.

Red wine
Red wine

Adults strictly followed the medication program. After a few days, they underwent mental tests, including arithmetic.

The results confirmed that those taking resveratrol performed better.

However, red wine is not the only resource for resveratrol. The valuable ingredient is also found in a number of other foods such as raspberries, blueberries, cranberries and peanuts.

The discovery of the beneficial effects of the rare ingredient is not so new. In 2008, after a large-scale study, it was found that after taking a drug composed mainly of resveratrol, people who consume a lot of unhealthy foods still do not gain weight.
