Dates Make Us Smarter

Dates Make Us Smarter
Dates Make Us Smarter

Dates, according to an ancient Arab belief, have such a powerful charge that six of these delicious sweet fruits are enough to cross the entire desert, defeat your enemies and spend exciting moments with your beloved woman.

Although exaggerated, this statement is fundamentally true, as dates really easily satisfy hunger. In addition, they have the unique property of increasing the body's endurance.

No wonder the Arab wars took two sacks of dried dates with them before embarking on a long campaign. They hung them on the saddle, one on each side of the horse. Dates helped them when they could not find food.

They contain a complex of vitamins that strengthen the immune system and increase endurance. And most importantly, dates contain active antioxidants. They not only reduce the level of bad cholesterol, but also change it.

Dates reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. That is why in the eastern countries there are many long-lived people who have reached such an advanced age, because they eat many of these delicious fruits.

Nutritionists recommend eating dates when you feel like eating something sweet. They are much more useful than a piece of cake or baklava, not to mention that they will not turn fat on your butt.

Benefits of Dates
Benefits of Dates

Dried dates improve brain function by more than twenty percent, nutritionists say. These fruits have been revered since ancient times - they are found in Egyptian paintings, and in Babylon they were used to make wine and vinegar.

These fruits contain a lot of iron, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as mineral salts, vitamins A and B and as many as 23 essential amino acids. In most fruits, these amino acids are absent.

According to nutritionists, ten dates a day are enough to provide the necessary amount of magnesium, copper and sulfur, half the daily norm of iron and a quarter of the norm of calcium.

It is believed that a single date a day and a glass of warm milk can provide the necessary substances for survival. It is recommended to do it once a week for cleansing.
