Catholic Fasts With Coffee And Beer

Catholic Fasts With Coffee And Beer
Catholic Fasts With Coffee And Beer

Fasting requires great desire and will. However, there are people who can not give up their favorite products - for some it is dairy foods, others think it is unthinkable not to eat meat for a while.

There are, of course, people with a strong will who manage to start fasting and manage to resist to the end. In fact, the idea of religious fasting is not about suffering from not eating any food and thinking about it all the time.

Here faith, sacrifice, will, humility are entangled, and food is part of that, but not the main thing. But fasting is fasting and it is present in every religion in one form or another. No matter who understands them, the fact is that their original idea was not to put us on a diet.

Catholic fasting began on March 5 and will last until April 19. Chris Schreier, who is from Canada, has decided to consume only coffee, beer and water during this year's fasts. The man plans to start eating normally on April 13 - until then he plans to consume only fluids.

He is calm about his health because he claims that the fluids he will drink during fasting will give him the necessary calories for the day. Schreier explains that he will focus more on beer because it will give him about 2,000 calories a day.


The eccentric Canadian planned to drink coffee because it would help him have a clear mind throughout the day. When everyone in the family sits at the table to eat, it will be the most difficult moments, said the Canadian. Chris' family did not fast - neither his wife nor children will give up the food they eat every day, he said.

Laughing, the Canadian says he will watch them from the sidelines as they eat and swallow instead. Chris says their family is close and his posts will not change anything. His wife will continue to cook the usual food, as the children must eat well to grow up healthy.

The Canadian's wife fears that at the end of these fasts, her husband will look like a shipwrecked man - bearded and emaciated.
