Remove 1100 Kcal From Your Menu To Fight Obesity

Remove 1100 Kcal From Your Menu To Fight Obesity
Remove 1100 Kcal From Your Menu To Fight Obesity

To talk about obesity, which is caused by a variety of reasons, we must have a positive nutritional balance - ie. calories imported into the body to exceed the energy expended. It is enough to consume 200 calories more per day with insufficient energy expenditure and in just a few years the weight can increase by 20 kg.

In this situation, a person's natural aspiration is to achieve a negative nutritional balance - ie. to bring in less energy through food than is expended. For example, if we want to lose 4 kg in 1 month, we must take away 1,100 calories from our daily diet.

Almost all obese patients show both absolute and relative increase in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet - jam, jams, syrups, pastes, cakes, baklava and others. They contribute not only to a drastic increase in calories in the body, but also to slow down the activity of enzymes involved in fat metabolism. Under the influence of the hormone secreted by the pancreas - the well-known insulin, about 30% of carbohydrates are stored in the body's fat depots or in other words - favors the formation of large amounts of fat.

An important part of the fight to reduce the amount of carbohydrates is played by increased protein intake. Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, unsalted cheese, etc. are rich in protein. They help to increase metabolism and thus burn excess calories. Increase the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. They also serve as a building material for the body. The meat should be lean, the milk skimmed and without cream, the egg is preferably protein, and the daily norm for an adult should be around 1.5 g per kg of body weight, and for children - up to 3-4 years.

Along with this process begins the reduction of carbohydrates - up to 200 g per day, of which at least half should be in the form of rye or type bread. The intake of vegetables - cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, cauliflower, lettuce, etc., which are rich in cellulose, improve digestion, import valuable minerals and vitamins, give a feeling of satiety and are low in content, should be increased. of carbohydrates.

The intake of legumes, potatoes and beets, as well as sweet and dried fruits, jam, jams, honey, etc. should be limited. When strict adherence to a diet conducive to the treatment of severe obesity is required, sugar, pasta, rice, starch, pasta and flour are abruptly excluded.

Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates

In addition, you need to reduce fat to 40-50 g per day, limit the use of salt, broths, strong spices, spicy foods and liquids.

An important role in the fight against obesity is given to the suppression of the constant feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is desirable to start the day in the morning with vegetable salads, systematic application of fruit and vegetable unloading days, as well as frequent meals, but in minimal portions.

In many people the so-called night hunger, which can be quenched with unsweetened fruit.

In conclusion, we give you an example menu related to moderate obesity.

Healthy foods
Healthy foods

Breakfast: 200 g of salad, 50 g of cottage cheese or unsalted cheese or boiled egg, 20 g of rye bread;

Breakfast: 200 g coffee, bitter;

Lunch: 150 g of boiled or roasted meat or fish / lean /, 200 g of salad, 40 g of rye bread, 100-150 g of unsweetened fruit;

Afternoon snack: 200 g whipped milk (or kefir)

Dinner: 100 g of cottage cheese or unsalted cheese or boiled egg or 80 g of beef sausage, or 150 g of lean boiled fish, etc.; 150-200 g of salad, 30-40 g of rye bread

Before going to bed: 100 g of whipped milk (or kefir) or unsweetened fruit.
