Fight Obesity With 1 Green Apple A Day

Fight Obesity With 1 Green Apple A Day
Fight Obesity With 1 Green Apple A Day

Green apples can help us in the fight against obesity, the Daily Mail writes on its pages. According to the publication, these apples create a feeling of satiety and are a great choice for people who have a problem with the constant feeling of hunger.

According to this study, indigestible ingredients that are not broken down by stomach acid begin their fermentation when they reach the colon. This in turn helps to develop good bacteria in the gut.

This study was conducted by scientists from Washington State University. Specialists have conducted a study with several different varieties of apples. The aim of the study was to understand which of all the varieties influences the good intestinal bacteria to multiply the most.

Green apples show the best result - sour fruits contain a lot of fiber, as well as polyphenols.

For the purpose of the study, rodents were used, and the scientists tested the feces of the mice. Some of the rodents were overweight and others were not, the information said.


According to the study, the feces of both groups of mice are largely similar.

The balance of bacteria that are found in the human colon is often disturbed, thus disrupting the metabolism. This actually causes people to constantly feel hungry, scientists say.

This study and its results can be extremely useful not only in the fight against obesity, but also in the treatment of other eating disorders, scientists say.

In fact, the polyphenols contained in green apples are a great preventative in the fight against various types of allergies. According to various studies, these fruits are especially useful for pregnant women, as their consumption significantly reduces the risk of allergies or asthma in the child.

In addition to their undeniable benefits, green apples are juicy and extremely tasty fruits that we can often see listed in various diets.
