Foods That Are An Alternative To Salmon

Foods That Are An Alternative To Salmon
Foods That Are An Alternative To Salmon

Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids in the world. We all know that these fatty acids can prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and various heart problems.

World salmon catches, however, as well fish farmswho breed this useful fish are not at all good for the health of the oceans, but also for the eco-balance, because overfishing is present, and this leads to very serious consequences for everyone.

This is an important reason to consider whether:

- you need so often from salmon on the table;

- whether it is so important to greet your guests with smoked salmon bites;

- Is this fish really the fitness food you need?

In these and in case you do not like exactly this seafood - we offer you an alternative to salmon. Here are some healthy foods that can be a great substitute for salmon.

How do we get omega-3 if we don't like fish?

An alternative to salmon
An alternative to salmon

There are salmon in 100 g about 2000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, so it will be difficult for you to find another option with such a high content. However, this does not mean that you can not get them, you just have to get enough.

Keep reading here to find out what other good sources of healthy fats are. Although it is not yet clear exactly how much omega-3 we need to take to get the most out of it. Nutritionists advise to aim for 500 mg per day. See in the following lines the best alternatives to salmon:

Flax and chia seeds

These tiny seeds are very rich in omega-3s. It is advisable to grind them before adding them to a particular food. You can also use linseed oil in salads and other dishes. Just two tablespoons of flaxseed is enough to get almost 60% of the recommended daily intake of omega-3.

eggs to replace the salmon
eggs to replace the salmon

Mung beans, red beans and Pinto beans

If the strong aroma of fish repels you, you should know that different varieties of beans are also rich in healthy fat. About 75 g of mung beans contain 603 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 enriched eggs

A quick and easy way to make sure you get the amount you need for the day is to eat eggs enriched with omega-3, which are very tasty. However, these eggs contain cholesterol. Therefore, if you need to control your cholesterol, reduce your intake to a minimum and focus on other food sources.


Pumpkin cannot be compared to salmon in terms of the amount of omega-3 it contains. However, in 150 g of boiled pumpkin there are about 340 mg. In addition, pumpkin is low in calories and has a lot of fluid and fiber, so it is an ideal choice if you want to maintain a healthy body weight.

Other seafood

Food alternative to salmon
Food alternative to salmon

Salmon is certainly not the only fish that is rich in omega-3s. Herring, mackerel, sardines and trout are fish that have similar amounts of healthy fat. Oysters and mussels, for example, are another possible option.

If for you salmon in the oven or the tender freshly baked salmon fillet in a pan are not the most important food and you realize that smart food choices are more important, then we congratulate you on your decision and wish you health.
