You Eat Onions And You Get Smarter

You Eat Onions And You Get Smarter
You Eat Onions And You Get Smarter

Onions have long been known as a great health product. Scientists from Japan have discovered another useful quality of onions. They found that onions can "cleanse" brain cells and slow down the aging process.

Onions contain extremely active sulfur compounds that are easily absorbed by the body. Through the bloodstream, they have a beneficial effect on a number of brain areas.

The substances released from onions activate and rejuvenate the brain cells that control memory and emotions, scientists say.

At the same time, scientists from France spoke in favor of the exceptional benefits of onions. They found that consuming a significant amount of garlic and onions reduced the incidence of breast cancer.

If you do not know, onions are a widespread vegetable crop since the fourth millennium BC. It contains a large amount of various mineral salts, vitamins, essential oils with bactericidal properties, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B6, E, PP1, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and citric acid. The essential oils give it a spicy taste and a peculiar smell.

Apart from cooking, onions are widely used in folk medicine. This vegetable has diuretic properties and is an excellent healing agent. Fresh onion juice is also used to treat inflammation in the oral cavity.


Crushed onions mixed with honey and onions fried in butter help with coughs. And in combination with a glass of hot milk it relieves stomach pains and nervous disorders.

In the diet, onions are used fresh, fried, boiled or pickled, as well as a spice for meat, fish and vegetable dishes. People with problems with the lining of the stomach or intestines should be very careful with it.

The writer Alexandre Dumas had his favorite onion soup. Prepared it as 5 large onions cut into small pieces and fry them lightly with 100 g of butter. Then he filled them with 7 glasses of milk. The resulting mixture is boiled well, filtered through a sieve, salt is added and finally the soup is built up with 3 raw egg yolks, 100 g of grated cheese and half a cup of cream.
