The Year Of The Dragon Is Celebrated Lavishly

The Year Of The Dragon Is Celebrated Lavishly
The Year Of The Dragon Is Celebrated Lavishly

The celebration of the New Year - the year of the Dragon, must be lavish in order to be lucky with you throughout the next year. The dragon loves luxury and abundance.

There should be only fresh products on the holiday table. The spirit of the Dragon will be impressed by the variety of dishes on the table, as well as their beautiful appearance.

Guests will be surprised if some of the dishes are prepared in front of them. It is good if there is a mobile barbecue, which allows the preparation of juicy steaks in front of guests.

Flambe dishes are recommended for New Year's Eve, as the element of the Dragon is fire, although the patron saint of 2012 is the Water Dragon.

The less heat-treated the food, the more luck awaits you in the year of the Dragon. Plenty of fresh salads is recommended.

Pumpkin dessert must be present on the table. Orange is the color of the Dragon. Baked pumpkin pieces with honey are a suitable dessert.

At the New Year's table, the Dragon expects to have different species of fish. Canned fish is not allowed. In the year of the Dragon, only food prepared a few hours ago is served, not days ago.

In order for the New Year's Eve to be lavish enough, there must be a gift for each of the guests, albeit quite symbolic. The table is lavishly decorated.

Luxurious decorations should also be on the ladies who celebrate the New Year. The dragon loves precious stones and precious metals.
