How To Prepare And Consume The Dragon Fruit

How To Prepare And Consume The Dragon Fruit
How To Prepare And Consume The Dragon Fruit

The dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya, is a beautiful tropical fruit that is sweet and crunchy. It tastes a bit like a cross between a kiwi and a pear.

Although it may seem embarrassing, cutting and cooking this exotic fruit is easy. You can enjoy it by including it in fruit salads, delicious drinks and desserts, and it is a wonderful, healthy breakfast in itself.

This fruit is grown in Southeast Asia, Mexico, Central and South America and Israel. The plant is actually a type of cactus that includes only about 20 different species.

The dragon fruit exists in three colors. Two varieties have pink skin, but one has white flesh and the other is red. The third type has yellow skin with white flesh.

The dragon fruit It is low in calories and offers many nutrients, including vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. It also supplies a good amount of fiber and antioxidants.

How to choose and store it?

Dragon fruits can be found all year round, although the season peaks in summer and lasts until early autumn. Its non-standard appearance makes it easily noticeable in any market. In our country it can be found in large hypermarkets.

To choose a ripe fruit, look for one with bright, even skin. A few spots on the skin are normal, but if the fruit has many spots, it may be too ripe.

Hold the fetus in your palm and try to press the skin with your fingers. It should give in a little, but it should not be too soft. If it is very hard, it will have to ripen in a few days.

Ripe fruits can last several days. To store it longer, place the fruit in a sealed bag and store it in the refrigerator. This fruit can pick up the tastes and smells of other foods, so protection is needed.

Dragon fruit
Dragon fruit

Do not cut the dragon fruituntil you are ready to eat it. Once cut, it should be chilled in a tightly closed container, just like most cut fruits. It can stay fresh for a day, maybe a little longer, depending on how mature it is. Once the flesh begins to color and become a mush, it's time to throw it away.

How to cut the dragon fruit?

The fruit is easy to cut. The flesh inside may be white or red, but both species have small black seeds that are edible, just like kiwis.

Place the fruit on a cutting board or other clean surface. Cut the fruit straight in half with a sharp knife, then into two more pieces.

How to separate the flesh?

Separating the flesh of the fruit is quite simple and similar to an avocado. Note that the skin is not edible. Using a spoon, separate the inside from the skin. Save the skin for serving if desired.

As with avocados, some fans of dragon fruit will simply eat the flesh from the skin. This is the perfect dish for this quick breakfast - just take a spoon and enjoy it.

The dragon fruits combine perfect with fish dishes, especially cod and tuna. Their sweet taste makes them suitable for some delicious drinks. You can quickly make fruit juice with a juicer or use the flesh of the fruit and make a smoothie. Once you get to know the taste of dragon fruit, you will be able to come up with many other ways to use it.

Have fun and see what it can do with some of your favorite recipes. Remember that it goes well with almost any tropical fruit, so you can mix it with mango, papaya, pineapple or whatever else you want.
