Meat Consumption Threatens The Flora And Fauna Of The Earth

Meat Consumption Threatens The Flora And Fauna Of The Earth
Meat Consumption Threatens The Flora And Fauna Of The Earth

Earth's biodiversity is seriously threatened meat consumption, says a new study by Science of The Total Environment. According to the authors of the study, carnivory is harmful to both health and our planet.

In conclusion, the researchers warn that if humanity does not reduce meat consumption, the effects on the flora and fauna of the Earth will be catastrophic, greater even than climate change.

The study showed that raising animals for meat production has led to the destruction of vast areas full of crops that are important for the survival of many animals.

However, these areas are becoming separate pastures for animals, which are raised solely for their meat.

Now we can say - if you eat a steak, you kill a lemur in Madagascar, if you eat a chicken, you kill a parrot in the Amazon - says Gideon Eschel, a geophysicist at Bard College, New York, who studies the effects of human nutrition on the environment.

Scientists have been trying for years to measure the impact of carnivores on the planet's biodiversity because they believe it has an undeniable effect.


Ecologist Brian Makovina also explains that with the current trends in animal husbandry for food by 2050, the land used for this purpose will increase by 30% to 50% or 3 million square kilometers.

The data show that the loss of such a large area is detrimental to both flora and fauna. This even outweighs the threat of climate change or pollution.

Scientists are adamant that people's eating habits have a visible impact on the environment. According to older studies, three-quarters of the deforested areas in the Amazon are now used for either pasture or agriculture.

Such will be the fate of Africa in a few decades, environmentalists say.

To prevent such a threat, the study's authors believe that humanity should limit meat intake by 10% and replace beef with chicken, pork or fish, because their production requires fewer natural resources.
