Pros And Cons Of Meat Consumption

Pros And Cons Of Meat Consumption
Pros And Cons Of Meat Consumption

The lack of organic amino acids that we get from meat cannot be compensated by anything. And not only our health but also our beauty depends on it.

Many Hollywood stars have given up meat, but they still look stunning, but it should not be forgotten that they are taken care of by whole teams of nutritionists and doctors.

Some people become vegetarians, driven by fashion trends, but we should not give up meat lightly. Vegetarianism, like everything, has its pros and cons.

It is natural for man to eat meat. Vegetarianism was not inherent in our ancestors, especially in periods such as glacial, when there was not much vegetation and only animal meat saved mankind from destruction.

Now fruits and vegetables are available all year round, but nutritionists are in no hurry to remove meat from the food pyramid - the basis of a balanced diet.

Meat contains a number of amino acids that we extract only from it. Meat lovers are less likely to have problems with their bones and central nervous system.

Pros and cons of meat consumption
Pros and cons of meat consumption

This is because red meat has a shock dose of vitamin D and the whole group of B vitamins. Beef, pork and mutton are rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine and iron.

Although iron is present in higher concentrations in fruits and vegetables, our body hardly absorbs it from plants. That's why vegetarians often suffer from iron deficiency.

Meat is valuable not only because of vitamins, minerals and proteins, but also because it contains special substances that have a much-needed property for the body.

They increase the secretion of digestive juices, facilitate the process of digestion and thus reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. These properties are found only in natural meat, semi-finished products do not bring benefits, but they accumulate calories and fat.

If we do not choose the right meat, it can harm our body. If it contains excess fat, it raises the level of bad cholesterol.

This adversely affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, causes liver problems and the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

This can be avoided by first removing the fat from the meat, not frying it in butter or combining it with mayonnaise.

However, there is something that we cannot remove from the meat - these are all drugs, tranquilizers and hormones that the animal is stuffed with so that it does not get sick and gain weight.

All of them, along with the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, produced by the animal at the time of its death, enter the human body, and an excess of cortisol is a major cause of weight gain.
