Solid Arguments AGAINST Meat Consumption

Solid Arguments AGAINST Meat Consumption
Solid Arguments AGAINST Meat Consumption

Animal welfare has become extremely popular in recent years. People today avoid not only using other mammals for skin, for example, but also ending the millennial practice of eating animal products. Although veganism and vegetarianism have their opponents, some believe that this diet is healthier. Why?

First of all, because it stops cruelty to animals. Due to the mass production of meat, all of them do not live in normal conditions, but are locked in cages and fattened; to grow faster, antibiotics and hormones are used, which have serious damage to our health.

Excess chicken, for example, can lead to higher levels of certain hormones; consumption of pork can lead to high cholesterol, which harms the heart.

Solid arguments AGAINST meat consumption
Solid arguments AGAINST meat consumption

Vegetarianism and veganism help the environment. According to a UN report, meat consumption is one of the biggest factors in environmental problems. The report further emphasizes that the increased meat consumption leads to 40% more emissions than all cars, trucks, ships and planes emit.

It is believed that restricting meat can protect you from bird flu. According to the World Health Organization, it can be contracted simply by eating poorly cooked chicken or eggs. You can also catch bird flu if you cut your salad on the unwashed board on which you cooked the bird.

Wed. arguments against meat consumption is increasing life expectancy, some believe. The reason is that veganism and vegetarianism protect against many diseases, including cancer, heart disease and stroke.

With regard to vascular disease, studies have found that vegetarians and vegans are 50% less likely to develop it than those who eat meat.

Solid arguments AGAINST meat consumption
Solid arguments AGAINST meat consumption

Vegetarians and vegans get more vitamins and minerals. Excluding meat, proteins must be replaced in this way. How does this work? Through more fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Consuming mainly them, in practice, those who follow these diets are forced to experiment. This leads to more combinations and more variety of products. And Leo Tolstoy even believes that vegetarianism is the path to global peace.
