Be Careful With These Foods - Eating Them Causes Hallucinations

Be Careful With These Foods - Eating Them Causes Hallucinations
Be Careful With These Foods - Eating Them Causes Hallucinations

Through nutrition we satisfy our hunger, supply our body with useful substances and charge our body with energy and strength so that it can function properly.

However, we rarely think that in addition to physics, what we consume directly affects our mood and psyche.

For example, some foods are able to improve or worsen mood, stimulate sexual desire or even to cause hallucinations.

In this interesting article we will reveal the abuse of which food and drink can make you hallucinate.

Moldy cheese

Moldy cheese can cause hallucinations
Moldy cheese can cause hallucinations

According to British scientists, the consumption of about 20 grams of cheese with mold before bedtime can cause strange dreams. Among the most famous moldy cheeses are Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Brie, Blue Cheese, Camembert and others.


Nutmeg is a great spice that gives a unique and different taste to the dishes in which it is added. But be careful with it, as it contains a substance called myristicin. It has the power to change perceptions and if taken in large quantities, it can to cause dizziness and paranoia - symptoms that may last up to two days.

Poppy seeds

Poppy seeds and hallucinations
Poppy seeds and hallucinations

Excessive consumption of poppy seeds, not only may cause hallucinations, but even if a person undergoes a drug test, it is very likely that the result will be positive. This is because poppy seeds contain morphine and it is from the seeds of some types of poppies that morphine, heroin and some painkillers are synthesized.


Lovers of hot and spicy may not know, but chili, which is among the hottest peppers in the world, also causes hallucinations. When consumed in the brain, the pain center is activated first. To prevent the painful sensation, the body begins to release large amounts of endorphins. This surge of the hormone of happiness can cause elevated and strange behavior.


Blueberries cause hallucinations
Blueberries cause hallucinations

There are claims that mulberries are also capable of causing mild hallucinations. The small fruits produce milky juice, which stimulates the nervous system, which causes strange ghosts and sensations. In addition, if immature, they can irritate the stomach.


Coffee is a favorite beverage of millions of people around the world, who enjoy its pleasant taste every day and take advantage of the tonic and invigorating effect it has. However, a number of studies show that the abuse of caffeinated beverages can lead to some side effects. For example, if a person drinks 6-7 coffees a day, it is possible to get hallucinations, expressed in the feeling of an inexplicable presence or hearing strange sounds and noises.
