Melon - The Main Enemy Of Stress

Melon - The Main Enemy Of Stress
Melon - The Main Enemy Of Stress

Special substances found in melons effectively fight the symptoms of stress, say French scientists.

They found that fresh melon juice reduced fatigue and stress. They analyzed the effects of the juice on 70 volunteers aged 30 to 55 years.

According to scientists, there is a link between psychological stress and intracellular oxidative inflammation, which causes various diseases. Therefore, the body's ability to cope with daily stress will help us protect our health.

In the experiment, one group of participants received capsules containing superoxide dismutase extracted from the melon, and the control group received inactive capsules containing only starch.

Benefits of Melon
Benefits of Melon

As a result, a strong placebo effect was observed in all of the control group when considering the symptoms of stress.

After 28 days, supplements with the antioxidant component of melon significantly improved resistance to general stressors and helped people maintain a normal state of mind.

The concentration of melon juice did not affect the health of the volunteers in any way.

Researchers have reported that watermelon juice, in addition to fighting stress, helps reduce sensitivity to pain and general physical fatigue. Melon also protects against insomnia, helps concentration and fights irritability.
