The Apple Is The Enemy Of Fat

The Apple Is The Enemy Of Fat
The Apple Is The Enemy Of Fat

The apple, consumed regularly by the fairer sex, is able to lower the levels of harmful and increase the good cholesterol in the body.

In this way, the fetus reduces the tendency to accumulate fat and keeps women in good shape.

Just 75 grams of dried apple, consumed daily, is enough to reduce bad cholesterol in the body by up to 23% and increase good cholesterol by as much as 6%.

Eating apples before each main meal reduces the fat content in the blood by 20%. The polyphenol contained in apples helps to break down fat faster.

Apple polyphenol undoubtedly affects overweight, but its real effect also depends on the amount of food, diet and exercise.

It doesn't matter which apple you choose, red, green or yellow. They are all a great ally if you want to lose weight. You can eat an apple when you feel like eating fruit or jam.

Apples have few calories. An average-sized apple is about 70 calories. They contain a large amount of pectin. That is, insoluble fiber that aids digestion.

Apples saturate and help you eat less and less during the day. Apples are useful for weight loss and for another reason - their low calorie content is compensated by the high water content.

These fruits contain enzymes that help the body digest food more efficiently. Apples are a much cheaper way to lose weight than expensive drugs in pharmacies.

Make it a habit to eat apples, if not daily, then several times a week. If you decide to melt the excess rings before the sea, this is the most popular apple diet:

- 1 day - 1 kg of apples

- Day 2 - 1.5 kg of apples

- 3 days - 2 kg of apples

- Day 4 - 2 kg of apples

- Day 5 - 1.5 kg of apples

- 6 days - 1 kg of apples

Finally, remember that if you eat an apple half an hour before a meal, it will consume about 200 calories less.
